The White Mountains in New Hampshire are part of a very old mountain range. Although not high in elevation, hikers encounter rocky terrain and challenging weather patterns (especially wind) at most any time of year. Below are images from various times of the year. A photo from the Catskillls in New York state is also included.
View of trail leaving Lake of the Clouds Hut (Appalachian Mountain Club) headed toward Mount Washington. Hikers are headed up the trail in the middle of the image.
Mount Jefferson with Madison Hut (Appalachian Mountain Club) at the base of the mountain.
Winter is a harsh environment in the White Mountains, even on a clear day. Mount Washington in the background (middle).
Sunset after a rainy day, Madison Hut (Appalachian Mountain Club).
Winter wind at higher elevations, viewed from Carter Notch area.
Winter scene viewed near Carter Notch.
Winter cloud coverage of White Mountains.
Lookout on the grounds of the Mohonk Mountain House. Catskills, NY.